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The Helsing Group is a recognized leader in Homeowner Association management and operations. We offer the HOA Advisor as a resource for Board Members, Homeowners and other industry professionals on a variety of Common Interest Development matters.
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Understanding Variable HOA Assessments
(and why HOA assessments don’t vary by the same percentage across units) By: Helsing Admin When an association is said to have “variable” HOA assessments
HOA Parking Rules: Too Many Cars, Not Enough Spaces
Answers to a reader’s questions By: Helsing Admin Can [1] HOA parking rules limit the number of vehicles owners/residents park at the HOA [2] require
Important Homeowner Rights in HOA
… things that are actually good to know and have nothing to do with rules! By: Helsing Admin Believe it or not – this is
Enforcing Rules and HOA Legal Fees
By: Helsing Admin A couple of our communities have just come out of litigation with homeowners who made improvements on their lots without architectural approval.
HOA Board Responsibilities and Representation Letters
Are members fulfilling their HOA board responsibilities? By: Helsing Admin Every year, associations with a gross income in excess of $75,000 must have a review
The Lender Certification Questions that Can’t Be Answered
Why Would they Think That the Lender Certification Questions Could Be Answered? By: Helsing Admin We have previously written about what the association’s responsibilities are
The Importance of Notifying Your Association on Title Changes
By: Helsing Admin Most changes of ownership happen through escrow. These transfers require by law that a “demand” be provided by the association. The association
HOA Dues: The Cost of Being Delinquent
By: Helsing Admin Question: I did not pay my HOA dues for a few months due to financial difficulties. Now I owe thousands of dollars
HOA Landscaping Maintenance: The Association Ruined My Vines!
By: Helsing Admin A reader writes: There is some common area landscaping outside my home that I have been taking care of. Quite frankly I